ISSI Nuclear Engineering Center of Excellence

The ISSI Nuclear Division provides innovative engineering solutions to the hardest nuclear challenges across the US Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, and Five Eye partners. ISSI’s extensive knowledge and 200+ years of collective expertise in the nuclear enterprise extends to every fielded weapon system in the US nuclear stockpile, numerous research and development efforts to advance technology capabilities, and nuclear hardness & survivability analyses of next-generation concept efforts.

ISSI is also pushing state-of-the-art sensor fusion technology, prototype and flight testing, reentry material production, radiation-hardened microelectronics, AI/ML software development for battle management, and nuclear effects testing. Specific nuclear science & engineering core capabilities include the following:

Threat Analysis & Survivability:

  • Assess end-to-end survivability and probabilistic mission effectiveness for tactical and strategic battle spaces with ISSI proprietary, physics-based mission planning software.
  • Evaluate potential threats from radiation, explosions, and other hazards with comprehensive modsim tools.
  • Design resilient systems that can withstand harsh environments for air, land, and/or sea-delivered systems.
  • Develop mitigation strategies to protect critical infrastructure and personnel.
  • Assess nuclear weapon effects at the system, sub-system, component, and material levels.